Na imagem, o Logo Diversidade em Prática

Diversity in Action is a movement created by Blend Edu for possible and sustainable actions for inclusion within the corporate world.

Because we believe that putting Diversity in Action is about what companies can do today. And also about what they can continue doing day after day.

Want to know how to join the movement?


Think about what diversity actions and projects you saw happening in your daily life that could inspire other companies


Share some of these positive examples on your social media using the hashtag #DiversityInAction


Invite more people to be part of this movement so we create a network of inspiration and positive examples of diversity for everyone. We count on your engagement!

Watch the video to understand how the movement works:

Do you want to be part of this movement, but don't know where to start?

An excellent way to understand where to start is to look at our “”8 goals and 21 commitments for Diversity and Inclusion” methodology, built based on guidelines, and best practices from international and national organizations, in addition to our market experience.

The material includes guidelines linked to gender, race, people with disability, LGBTQIA+ community, generational diversity, among other themes, creating an intersectional approach so that companies can achieve significant transformations and inclusive cultures. Access our ebook on “8 goals and 21 commitments for Diversity and Inclusion” here.

Na imagem, 2 livros impressos com capa vermelha com o logo da Blend Edu e o texto "8 objetivos e 21 compromissos pela diversidade e inclusão".
Want closer support from our team?

Blend Edu can help your company!

Send us a message or fill out the contact form and let’s put #DiversityInAction together.

Want closer support from our team?

Blend Edu can help your company!

Send us a message or fill out the contact form and let’s put #DiversityInAction together.